April 2011 – December 2011 – Binckbank N.V.

As a test consultant at Polteq I have been sent to Binckbank to inventorize the possibilities of test automation and based on that inventory create an implementation plan to automate any and all tests possible.
Test automation is being done by means of Selenium, Fitnesse and where possible and needed SoapUI.

After acceptance of the implementationplan I have been made responsible for guiding and planning the project leading it to a successful ending together with an automation engineer from Polteq and several testers from within Binck.
Objective is to automate most of the manual, repetitive tests in a sustainable way and teach Binck employees how to ensure the tests indeed remain solid and sustainable.

We created a custom fixture for FitNesse which served as a translation and abstraction layer between FitNesse (the end user) and WebDriver. The custom fixture resulted in all the functional tests being fully human readable, where the code contained no logic at all.

In order to speedup the process of writing testcases in FitNesse I organized a few Testing-dojos. Focus of the first dojo was getting people fully comfortable with writing their logical testcases in a wiki and in a table format and ensuring all tests written get pushed to the FitNesse server in order for them to run continuously.
Focus of the second dojo was to go through questions, unclarities and uncertainties and resolve these impediments in order for the testers to be fully in control of what they are testing and ensuring they see the use of these automated tests.